söndag 11 maj 2008

87 awarded best screenplay

on MAY 11th, "87" and it´s writer/director CSABA BENE PERLENBERG won BEST SCREENPLAY at the SCANISH FILM DAYS in MALMÖ. as such, it was the first film ever to receive the newly established award. the award was decided by the MALMÖ SCREENWRITING GROUP.

the following is the motivation for the award, as given by the group:
"With literary elements, the screenplay gives a sharp idea that concern and captures the reader in to the story. It is not just letters on a sheet of paper. The fact that the author feel strongly about his vision penetrates through both the script and the finished film. Slowly, a multi-layered image develops that questions matters of life and death, human reactions and relationships.

With a perspective that sometimes excludes important storytelling components, the film proper risks with its audience. The film is thus a brave film, without a beginning and end that does not seem to want to dictate the audience's interpretation. We are given room room to think on our own, but at the same time, we remain inside the story until the end.

This we see as a sign of an excellent ability to succeed in telling a story with a high standard as well as a story which is organic, that both surprises and shows that it has something special on its mind.

onsdag 7 maj 2008

87 nominated for best screenplay

"87" and its screenwriter and director CSABA BENE PERLENBERG has been nominated for BEST SCREENPLAY by MALMÖ SCREENWRITERS ASSOCIATION at the 2008 edition of the Swedish regional film event SCANISH FILM DAYS. three films have been nominated. the jurys motivation is as follows:

"With an honest and visual language, 87 creates a poetic depiction that doesn´t deliver any clear-cut answers. The author is not afraid to step over boundaries in order to make the story transcent into an experience."
for sales and contact, please contact producer HELENA DANIELSSON at helena@heppfilm.se or +46733428184